My main dream is that we all respect each other. No matter what they like, what they look like, or how they act. I don’t have many dreams but this is the one I have. Do you have any dreams?
Author Archives: astill1
MLK subject predicate poem
preprestion poem
who made the flag
who made the flag we well never for sure know but we might think who did it here’s what I think. I think that betsy ross made it and if you don’t think so here’s why I think so. First of all she had receipts from the flag. second the flag was in a painting be for congress evan chose that flag . and third in the flag they decided on stars with five points and one of the stars she made years later they found a five pointed star but is it from the flag we might never know . Who do you think made it.
Gift of readings
“Only when it is dark enough can you see the stars” MLK day is a day of service . If you wonder why here it is . Mlk was a very busy person and almost never took days off ,he would not like his day used as just a day to relax and kick up your feet . their for thats mlk day is a day of service . But that doesn’t mean you have to change the world evan if you just take out the trash for your mom and dad .
what i did was play with my siblings so my mom could get some things done . but like i said you dont have to do some thing big its the small things that count . did you do something monday .
Photo shoot with my lps
the girl
once upon a time there was a pumpkin patch deep in the woods very little people ever went the because they were scared of the scare crow that lived there . but there is one brave girl that went there every year .one day she went again but some thing crazy happend she found a magic pumpkin . wow she said i found a magic magic pumpkin it well give me three wishes . when the scare crow heard it he was mad and wanted it to so he could be a kid again . so he cast a spell that made the pumpkin hide . the girl was not happy butt she looked and looked and looked she finally said ill just have to go home . once again the scare crow heard it i didn’t want her to leave and he gave the pumpkin back . the girl was really happy . well the scare crow said if i cant have the pumpkin and have the girl stay ill just have to take both . ten years later the girl was never seen again .
Plymouth Blog Post
If i had only two choices and they were to be a plymouth or jamestown my choice would be plymouth here’s why . First of all if you didn’t know the plymouth were really pilgrims . And what are pilgrims famous for ? That’s right thanks giving . And at jamestown the indians were not the best of friends with them but in plymouth the indians were one of the reasons we have thanks giving . Did you know that plymouth started with a small group but over the years it grew in size which meant it must have been a good place .Here’s a fact jamestown started with all men but plymouth had men women and even kids . All tho plymouth had a rough winter they made it through . James town got all of there money of uf tobacco and if you ask me tobacco is really bad i mean who wants that history . And here’s a fact when you think of a pilgrim you think black and white clothes but really that’s not what what they wore they were really colorful even whens it cold . which would you choose plymouth or jamestown ?